說明: 此方法只適用於電腦,不適用於手機.
你是否希望在電腦上觀賞本網站太極拳影片時能放慢影片的的速度,讓動作看得一清二楚,那麼你可以到 http://www.youtube.com/html5 的網址後,點擊[要求使用HTML5播放器] (For English language is [Reguest the HTML5 player]) 就可以了,然後將你目前使用中的瀏覽器軟體所有頁面全部關閉,這個動作只要做一次,以後就算關機再開都有效,不必再做,除非你重新安裝瀏覽器軟體,才需要再設定一次.
重新開啟瀏覽器,以後你觀賞本網站太極拳影片時,若影片右下角有Youtube標記,可先按播放鍵後,按一下右下角的齒輪標記,即可調整速度,共有5種速度供選擇: 0.25倍速, 0.5倍速, 正常速度, 1.5倍速, 2倍速.
How to play Tai Chi's video in slow speed
1. go to http://www.youtube.com/html5 and click [Reguest the HTML5 player] button, then close browser and reopen. just do it once, you don't need to do it forever except reinstall browser.
2. Fine a video in this website that have a Youtube mark at the lower right corner.
3. click "play" button, then click the gear mark at the lower right corner.
4. there are five kinds of speed can be setting: 0.25 speed, 0.5 speed, normal speed, 1.5 speed, 2 speed.