百合太極扇以楊式太極拳的動作為基礎,選用優美的何日君再來旋律當配樂,音樂時間 三分鐘,分成三段,有二十四個招式名稱,內含四十二組動作,使用了二十七種太極步型。演練百合太極扇時,手上的扇將化身為扇、毛筆、酒杯、彩蝶、鞭子、 劍、弓、拂塵等多樣器械,變化出各種美妙優雅的招式,而為了不破壞動人的旋律,演練時不做太用力的開合扇。
百合太極扇除了具有運動健身的效果之外,其動作優雅脫俗、招式轉換順暢,隨著音樂 的抑揚頓挫,動作也亦步亦趨的緊密配合,演練起來心曠神怡、非常舒暢,尤其每招定式的方位,都是前方觀賞者的最佳角度,極適合在節日喜慶中演出,歡迎大家 一起來學練百合太極扇。詳細扇譜請瀏覽 http://acadia2.blogspot.com,在中國請瀏覽 http://i.youku.com/lilyfan。
創編: 蔡文正 William Tsai
地點: 加拿大溫哥華
日期: 2014年4月
地點: 加拿大溫哥華
日期: 2014年4月
Lily Tai Chi Fan Profile
Lily symbolizes immaculacy, perfection, good luck, and conjugal bliss. So, this set of Tai Chi fan is named Lily .
Lily Tai Chi Fan routine is composed of Yang style Tai Chi and a beautiful melody from soundtrack. The music time is three minutes, dividing into three sections and twenty-four movements. It contains forty-two action groups, and uses twenty-seven kinds of Tai Chi steps. When performing Lily Tai Chi Fan exercise, the fan will be transformed into, not only a fan, but also a brush, a cup, a butterfly, a whip, a sword, a bow, a whisk and other diverse devices. These transformations create a variety of wonderful and elegant moves. In order to follow the flow of the melody, this drill does not forcefully open or close the fan.
In addition to sports and fitness benefits, Lily Tai Chi Fan routine is elegant and refined because it moves smoothly with the music melody. This puts the performers in a very delightful and comfortable mood. Because every movement and steps have the most admirable view from the front, Lily Tai Chi Fan routine is perfect for performing on stages. I would like to welcome everyone to learn and practice Lily Tai Chi Fan routine . For more information, please visit http://acadia2.blogspot.com . Please visit http://i.youku.com/lilyfan in China.
Written by : William Tsai
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Date: April 2014
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Date: April 2014